What I Got For Xmas

First of all, I don’t really feel comfortable saying Christmas to refer to the holidays because of my conviction that the celebration did not really originate from the birth of Jesus Christ as in my earlier belief. Nevertheless, I do not intend to argue about this conviction with non-believers either. I just felt it shorter and finer to use “xmas” in the title so pardon my usage of the acronym. Finally, I am neither against “xmas” as I have previously mentioned and constantly explained to other people. In fact, I regard the whole month of December as festive due to the celebration because I, myself, have always been a beneficiary to the benevolent nature that everyone acquires during this season, from gifts, to 13th month and bonuses and of course, vacation! End of intro.

For this year’s holidays, I’ve got a handful of gifts from friends, co-workers and families. Various gifts that were equally delightful to me, consumable, useful or decorative they may be.

But the best gift I received was of bias choice of course (please forgive my impartiality). But the best gift I received in my opinion were from my husband and kids. These were Lock & Lock lunch boxes, which were larger than the one I currently own, with chocolate treats inside that made the gift sweeter and Sophie Kinsella’s the Twenties Girl!

The first one, Nilo knew what I needed. He had always been feeding me more than I can normally consume to fatten me up hehe. While the second one, Nilo knew what I wanted. He knows I love to read but he’s clueless of which book. Since I’ve been reading good reviews about this one, I made it a point to give emphasis to it, and though I hinted what I wanted to receive, I was honestly surprised when he’d actually made it real hehe.

Until my next year’s blog then, most probably a review about the Twenties Girl. 😉

3 thoughts on “What I Got For Xmas”

  1. Hi Jen! I love the Twenties Girl!! I read it last year and I enjoyed it a lot. I’ve also written a review. But of course I would love to hear yours. All the best for you and your family in 2012!

    1. Thanks Diane! Actually, one of the reviews I referred to in my blog was yours haha! I’m starting to read it now and can’t help feeling irritated over Sadie. I feel for Lara especially when her business meeting with that marketing director was ruined.

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